• Indigenous Spiritual Healing

    FPS has worked with therapists who are able to provide first language
    counselling in a culturally relevant and meaningful treatment process.

Indigenous Spiritual Healing

FPS has worked with therapists who are able to provide first language counselling in a culturally relevant and meaningful treatment process.

In the treatment of clients for whom English is a second language and/or where cultural issues play a critical role in therapeutic engagement and progress, FPS has worked with therapists who are able to provide first language counseling in a culturally relevant and meaningful treatment process. FPS has offered therapeutic services in a first language and cultural context for Cree, Filipino, Chinese, Laotian and Vietnamese clients.

Indigenous Spiritual Services

FPS recognizes the critical role of spiritual healing as part of any recovery journey. In our work with Indigenous people, we have collaborated with Indigenous cultural teachers and Spiritual Helpers (Elders) since 1991 in an effort to provide both psychological interventions as well as opportunities for cultural and spiritual healing.

Spiritual healing services include:

  • Individual Counseling with Spiritual Helpers
  • Learning Traditional Protocols
  • Learning Traditional Teachings
  • Medicine Gathering and Preparation
  • Caring for Sacred Grounds
  • Attending Indigenous Cultural Events
  • Weekly Sharing Circles
  • Bi-weekly Sweat Lodge Ceremonies
  • Fasting and Vision Quests
  • Assisting with and/or Participation in Sun Dance